Welcome to my penetrin blog!

Have you ever been manipulated with penetrin?

Penetrin is a brain stimulation drug which is used for many purposes. It can be mixed into water and it has no flavor, so it is very easy to give to someone without them noticing. While you are under the effect, it impacts your character and skills (sometimes to a very strong degree). After the effect, most people forget what happened or have trouble remembering.

It is for example widely used (sometimes in combination with other drugs)…

…in hospitals, to make people forget about trauma.

…by people to have sex with someone who would have said „no“ otherwise.

…by women to get pregnant from a man who is not supposed to know anything about it afterwards.

…for an illegal punishment system, where people are being punished (physically or mentally) outside of the legal system.

There is so much to write about and it is so widely abused in our society, that it is difficult to know where to start. I live in Switzerland, a so-called Western democracy and self-proclaimed advanced country. Yet my life has been hugely impacted by penetrin (and other drug) manipulations which are completely illegal, that I need to write about this topic, to start enabling a public debate.

If a lot has happened in your life where you were manipulated with penetrin, then people who used this drug on you get very worried once you start remembering what happened. Then all of a sudden, such people around you may suggest that you have psychological problems and should seek advice from a doctor.

During these strange times with the war between Ukraine and Russia, you may have read an article in the newspaper which explained why the public mental health system in Russia is sometimes little trusted by the Russian population, because during former times, it was politically abused against their „patients“ who were apparently suffering from delusions if they dreamed of a better system.

Make no mistake. Even if you live in an advanced country like Switzerland, powerful institutions like the jail or a psychiatry are used against people who are actually completely honest and simply started to remember what happened when they were manipulated with penetrin and other drugs.

It is also shocking how little information is available on google on this topic. When you are in China, probably you cannot log into facebook, or google about suppressed minority populations, it is simply blocked. In the West, we believe that our internet and media are uncensored and free. This does not seem to be the case. Our society works differently from what you probably thought. It is complicated. I hope my blog remains accessible, we shall see. It is important to always keep trying, and then expose any manipulations if there are any.

Most importantly, if all of a sudden you have a memory (which was previously not accessible due to penetrin manipulation), for example…

…about when someone was murdered or actively pushed into suicide and publicly it was called a suicide or an accident.

…or you were told that your true biological father is actually another man than the one you always called your father.

…or you were told by several people to commit suicide, because you have been used to make children and now you start remembering.

Be careful, to whom you reveal this information. Do not, as a start, trust public institutions like the police, courts, psychiatrists. Even in Western democracies, everything has been done to suppress public debate about penetrin and other drug manipulations.

I have survived multiple assassination attempts, and I have been used to make many children for women, always being abused by the same drugs, and being manipulated such that I do not know anything about this for most of the time. I was even married for most of this time and led a completely normal life (in my perception, while I received no drugs). My story is so strange and against all standards we believe to have in our society, that I need to write about this topic, no matter what.

If you start to have such memories from your own life, try to stay calm, write down your memories (without showing them to anyone). What you are going through is a mental healing process, not an illness.

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